Below is a series of existing resources developed over the years and archived here for easy access.
Resources & links
- "The importance of stupidity in scientific research" by Martin Schwartz, Journal of Cell Science
- "Ten simple rules for doing your best research, according to Hamming"
- "Career advice for young scientists from 3 Lasker award winners", Cross Talk by Cell Press
- "Advice to a Young Scientist" by Elisabeth Pain, Science
- "Unconventional Wisdom" by Steven McKnight, Cell, Leading Edge Commentary
- "Science, Technology and the Teaching of Values" by Derek Sankey
- "Letter to a Young Scientist" by Lee Meserve, The Ohio Journal of Science
- "The usefulness of useless knowledge" by Abraham Flexner, Harpers
- “Can a Biologist Fix a Radio? Or, What I learned while studying apoptosis” by Lazebnik
- Insights from Nobel Laureates for Scientists everywhere
- Academic Stack Exchange
- PhD Comics
- Surviving Life as a Researcher, [video] or [slides] by Dr. Jacob Beal
- "Random musings from the Raj Lab for systems biology"
- "Cell Mentor" by Cell Press
- "Tomorrow's Professor" is a blog that provides advice on a variety of topics, including academic careers, teaching, mentorship, professional growth, and research
- "Advice to a Young Scientist" by P.B. Medawar
- "Advice for a Young Investigator" by Santiago Ramon y Cajal
- "Letters to a Young Scientist" by Edward O. Wilson
- "The Art of Scientific Investigation" by WIB Beveridge
- "Tomorrow's Professor: Preparing for Academic Careers in Science and Engineering" by Richard M. Reis
- "The Statue Within: An Autobiography" by Francois Jacob
- "Surely You're Joking, Mr. Feynman!" by Richard Feynman
- "Laboratory Life" by Bruno Latour and Steve Woolgar
- "Grit" by Angela Duckworth
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